Archive | December 2019


Have you seen the shirt, plaque, or whatever that reads “Not Adulting Today”?

I’ve been there a few times but most recently I got up one morning and gave in to every distraction that came my way, some I created myself. This was just leaving the bedroom headed to the coffee pot and then onto my recliner for a meeting with Jesus. That’s where we meet every morning in the wee hours before the world begins it’s day.

This particular day I did not want to do anything. I had delayed enough that I was now rushed to get any prayer time in much less Bible reading. I felt miserable, unaccomplished, a waste — just not feeling like adulting. BUT. . .

I stopped. Sat in my recliner and called out to the Lord. I told Him how I was feeling and then I asked Jesus for a big dose of His grace. I begged Him for mercy and for His grace to be showered on me. I grabbed my Bible to quickly get a reading in before getting ready for work. I opened to Hebrews 4.

Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Hebrews 4:16.

What do you think of that? God met me right where I was. In my need He drew me to His throne of grace where I received mercy at that very hour of need. His grace was sufficient for the day. It was still a struggle but God’s grace helped me to Adult on that day.

He is my Rock, my salvation and I will. .

Continually seek Him,
